Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Best Scrambled Eggs and Best Toast

I know we all like to quick cook everything, but trust me taking time is the best. This everyday breakfast becomes more delicious. 

*4 large eggs
*1 tsp pepper
*1 tsp salt
*1 tsp butter

1.) Heat your skillet on 3.0 for a few seconds.
2.) In a large bowl whisk your eggs, pepper, salt, and melted butter.
3.) Pour on to the skillet and turn heat to low.
4.) Cook for about 30-40 minutes, check on it after a few minutes to keep watch. Try to refrain from turning up the heat.
5.) Heat your toaster to a setting of 11. 
6.) Put your toast in, and cook about 2 1/2 to 3 minutes.
7.) Put butter and any other toppings on your toast.
6.) Eat with your eggs and Bon appetite! 

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